I have recently acquired a few added roles at work that has caused a migration of a few projects from my work desk to my desk at home. I am now the de facto webmaster of the Liquor Control Commission and have undertaken a project to make the site more user friendly. That is in its infancy stages, but I hope within coming months it will begin to look better. I also have been tasked with leading a small group of staff to redesign the majority of the forms we utilize. Between these two additional tasks that have a number of additional ancillary responsibilities that I keep realizing, I scarcely have had the time to get out and photograph much lately. Today, I was able to spend a few hours outside, but opportunities like this are fewer than I would like. Nevertheless, while I do not intend to post here for the foreseeable future, I shall continue to post photographs on my Flickr page, which you may view by clicking this link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/74418101@N02/.
Hi David! Is there an email address I can contact you at? I'd love to send you some information and a request about collaborating together. You can also contact me at laura@ecorise.org
Hi David, what is the best way to go about ordering a picture from you?