Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Up North With Mom

Two weekends ago, my mother, sister, niece, Valerie, and I ventured up north to the cabin.  Mom had not had the chance to see all the work we did since last summer.  We also went up to Whitefish Point, Point Iroquois, and the Soo.  I treated them by making breakfast each morning and we got our fill of onion rings at Clyde's Drive-In in the Soo.  Claire had her first startling experience with the fog horn on a passing freighter to which we were waving from along the shoreline.  She maintains that she "did not jump" when the very loud horn sounded, but she did run very quickly to Leigh and bury her face into her mom.